My First Custom Clothing Order Did Not Go As Smooth As I Thought It Would Go But…
A week ago, I received My First Custom Clothing Order from a friend for his son’s 1st birthday. His wife wanted to celebrate his 1-year-old son’s birthday with the family wearing custom tees. I must deliver these tt-shirts today. However, things went a little crazier than expected. Let me tell you why.
I Must Prepare
I have most of the sizes I need to deliver this order on time. However, the sizes XXL, XL, and size for the baby were not in my inventory. The Baby Size is the most important one, you may know by now. I rushed to downtown Manhattan because a friends who was goingto ask someone else for the t-shirt, never asked. I waited on him more than I should have to for an answer on this shirt. I did not leave this for last minute. I trusted a friend who was going to ask someone else for the baby-size t-shirt. In the end, he never asked.
Lesson learned, once again. If you want something done, do it yourself.
After rushing to get the missing tees, I forgot to buy an extra baby size in case I would mess up the only baby size. I risked messing up the only one I had bought, which almost happened.
I’m happy to say that they loved it. It looked amazing.

Next on my list for things to learn is about sublimating on 100% cotton and heat press vinyl.