Getting your first paid subscriber could be difficult and stressful. These are 4 Steps To Get Your First Paid Subscriber For a Service. There are places like Fiverr where it makes it a little bit easier to get clients and potential paid subscribers.
So, these steps can help you get your first paid subscriber for a service. This is basically what I did.
Here are a few steps to follow,
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Follow these 4 Steps To Get Your First Paid Subscriber For a Service

Step One
Think about what services you are providing. Are they critical services? Can these services be provided online? Critical services can be monetized because people are in need of such services. For example, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is a service that can be provided over the internet with zero physical interaction. Any company with a website should invest in SEO because of the benefits that it brings.
Make a list of the services you are currently providing. If any of these services can be provided through the internet, then my friend, you have yourself a potential business and extra money without even knowing it.
Step Two
Get your services listed on a website such as Fiverr, PeoplePerHour, legiit, UpWork, or FreeLancer.
- Fiverr
- According to Backlinco, a post-dated, Apr 20, 2021, said the following. “Fiverr has 3.42 million active buyers. Fiverr processed $699.3 million in gross merchandise value in 2020. Annual revenue for 2020 was $189.51 million. Freelancers on Fiverr offer services across more than 500 categories.”
With so much competition on the platform, it seems that getting a buyer would be difficult, or maybe impossible. However, the reality is that there are over 3 million active buyers on the platform. I have been a buyer and a seller on the platform since Feb 2018. Being a seller was difficult at first until I re-think my services and strategy around the platform which have led me to make some extra money. I also acquired a client who is a recurring payer month after month for SEO Service.
Step Three
Pitch your recurring payment model to your client, only if the service being provided allow it. Most of these buyers will be first buyers which you’ll have to earn their trust before talking them into buying outside of any of these websites mentioned in the step two.
In my case, one buyer needed an SEO expert. I told him that I was no expert but I can get the job done. In the end, he ended up hiring me for a small monthly fee. Now, we do more than just SEO. We are building websites for clients. We currently have 4 projects, one of them is related to SEO.
Step four
you must be patient. Do not take this as a full-time job but as a side hustle and build little by little. I’m getting my business cards done today which means that I’m going to start giving them away to potential clients to not just build websites but graphics design services.
For any of you wondering which type of services I’m offering on these websites for freelancers,
I’m currently offering SEO services, web development, and Custom Clothing, among other services.
My first paid subscriber was because of SEO service listed on Fiverr. Hopefully this little 4 Steps To Get Your First Paid Subscriber article have been helpful.
There is nothing to lose. Make an account today and start making extra income today.
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